Thursday, January 10, 2008

Exploring The Fannin Family Name

The Finan Name

Directly Quoted Source:

Since 1172, the year of the Anglo/Norman invasion of Ireland, the history of the family name Finan has been woven into the romantic green fabric of the Emerald Isle as surley as if the name had been native. The first record of the name Finan was found in Tipperary where the norman family settled at Ballygarry in 1172, after the invasion of Ireland. They were originally from Fainent in Normady, and arrived in England during the Norman conquest of 1066. Although the name Finan, occurred in many references, from time to time the surname was recorded as Feenan, Fanning, Fannin, Fanningley, Fannon, Finan, Finnan, O'Finan, O'Finnan , and these changes in spelling frequently occurred ebev between father and son. It was not uncommon for a person to be born with one spelling, married with another, and to have yet another recorded at his wake. This now Irish family Finan emerged as a distinguished family in Tipperary. By the 15th century they had branched to County Limerick and settled in Ballyfanning, amd later renamed it Fanningstown

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